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You must have a valid Sno–Park permit displayed near the lower left corner of the windshield of your vehicle if you park in a designated winter recreation parking area (Sno–Park) between November 1 and April 30. Each of these areas are posted with signs identifying them as a WINTER RECREATION AREA. You will find Sno–Parks in all mountain passes of the state as well as most recognized ski, snowmobile, and snow play areas.


We have 1 day Sno-Park Permits and also Annual Sno-Park Permits available for purchase. 

Snowshoeing Trails Near Redmond/Bend/Sisters

Almost all of the Sno-Parks have snow shoe trails. There are numerous trail maps you can use. Here are a few to help you with your snowshoeing adventure.

snowshoe map.png

Check out this site for detailed mapsand even a georeferenced PDF map you can use while you're out in the wilderness, even when you don't have cell service or an internet connection.

google trail map thumbnail_edited.jpg
Oregon Sno Park Brochure.jpg



Take your adventures to the next level with snowshoes! Go for a day trip to the mountain or just trek through the canyon with your family for a few hours. Adult and youth sizes available. Don't forget to check the current snow or trail conditions for the Bend/Redmond Area.

*Weekend dates are Friday or saturday through tuesday

Winter Hours

T-F:  10:00-5:30

SAT: 10:00-5:00


Contact Us

call: 541-923-5650



1730 SW Parkway Drive

Redmond, Oregon 

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